Sophia’s Hibiscus Jello
Sophia’s hibiscus jello is a delicious light way to finish a romantic meal. Sophia’s hibiscus jello made with hibiscus syrup captures the sweet and tart flavour, the floral and fruity bouquet, and the ruby red colour — the colour of sexual attraction — of the exotic hibiscus blooms. My recipe is very easy and quick, and yet Sophia’s hibiscus jello is a majestic Valentine’s Day dessert; hibiscus is considered an aphrodisiac herb that boosts libido. My hibiscus jello recipe does not contain gelatin or artificial food colours. Sophia’s hibiscus jello is vegan, gluten-free, and alcohol-free.
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 30 minutes
Cook Time Passive Time
10minutes 30 minutes
  1. Put the water, hibiscus syrup and brown sugar into a large saucepan. Stir the mixture and spoon a small amount of the mixture (4-5 tbsps.) in a bowl, set aside. Set the saucepan on medium heat. Stir the mixture and let it come to the boil.
  2. Add the agar-agar into the bowl and stir well until it has dissolved. Pour the agar-agar mixture into the saucepan, stirring until completely blended. Simmer for about 2′ and remove from heat.
  3. Pour the jello into shot glasses (if you wish to make alcohol-free jello shots), or serving bowls or glasses. Refrigerate to set.
Recipe Notes

Hibiscus, a natural herbal aphrodisiac

Aphrodite is the ancient Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation; one of Aphrodite’s major symbols is the ruby red coloured hibiscus bloom.

Hibiscus is considered an aphrodisiac herb that boosts libido.

It is very quick and easy to make hibiscus syrup and it is a versatile sweetener!

Celebrate Valentine’s Day and surrender to temptation: try Sophia’s hibiscus jello!

You can make ruby red coloured jello shots with Sophia’s hibiscus jello, as my photos will testify!

Sophia’s hibiscus jello is vegan, gluten-free, and alcohol-free.

Sophia’s hibiscus jello does not contain artificial food colour or gelatin!

Edible Flowers

Cooking and garnishing with edible flowers is back in fashion once again! People value flowers not only for their beauty but also for the varied levels of flavour and texture they bring to your dishes. Flowers enhance the taste of a dish and they are a visual delight!

The majestic hibiscus blooms are not only beautiful, but also edible — indeed, there are numerous edible species of hibiscus.


Agar-agar is derived from red seaweed. It is a vegan and vegetarian substitute for gelatin, that helps thicken foods.


If you have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, and you are on a gluten-free diet, you can be assured that Sophia’s hibiscus jello is gluten-free. Moreover, Sophia’s hibiscus jello does not contain artificial food colour or gelatin, and it is vegan and alcohol-free.


Sophia’s Hibiscus Jello