Dundee Cake

Dundee cake is a traditional Scottish fruitcake, a classic treat for all, which derives its name from the city of Dundee. Dundee cake is considered one of the best desserts in the world. My Dundee cake is vegan, egg-free, dairy-free, and butter-free; my vintage-inspired Dundee cake not only has the same texture and flavour as the traditional fruitcake, but reaches all parts of your palate with its floral aroma of a citrus orchard in bloom and its lush richness of fruits and finishes leaving a mellow rum aftertaste.

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Nine Infused Waters

Drinking infused waters is a way of saluting the desire to kick off a healthy new year; infused waters add flavour to plain water and taste great without changing the calorie content! Moreover, spa waters look so cute that they will make you drink your daily water pleasantly! I am presenting to you a selection of nine detox waters that have been infused with fruits and herbs. Treat yourself to infused waters and make the act of drinking water feel like a luxury!

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